
It had gone a year since he had left, and she was still getting emails from him every day. She didn't always have time to respond, but he wrote her anyway. Occasionally, there came letters with the mail, written by hand. She had all of those put away safely away from Dawn's curiosity.

Outside it was gray, rain pouring down the windows.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have landed in London, Heathrow. Please keep your seat belts fastened until the aircraft has come to a complete stop. Me and my crew hope that your journey has been pleasant and that you will travel with us soon again."

The sign with the seat belt disappeared and Buffy stood up and stretched out. Her heart was pounding in he chest as she got her bag down, and she stood impatiently and waited for the people ahead of her to get off the plane.

As she got out of the aircraft, she was almost running. A voice within told her to slow down, that she'd see him soon, but she couldn't wait. She ran through the controls and was jumping up and down for her luggage to come, and when her one suitcase arrived, she was on the move again. There was a little room to go through, another control, and then, ahead of her, there was the room where he'd be waiting.

It was crowded, but it didn't matter. She sensed he was there, her whole body could feel his presence. She turned her head and met his gaze.

He hadn't changed. Still the bleached hair, the dark clothing and the boyish grin on his face. He ran towards her and she ran to him, tears falling down both sets of cheeks. Their lips met and then they embraced, hugging each other tightly.

"I have missed you so," Buffy whispered, kissing him with all the longing that had been held in during the year. "I love you…"

"I love you too, pet," he said picking up her bag. "C'mon, there is so much I need to show you –"

And together they walked off.

The End

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The challenge:

Summary: Buffy and her family get a foreign exchange student for two semesters and guess who it is?? It's Spike of course and he and Buffy hates each other at first and then they start to like each other. But her father hates the idea of Buffy and Spike together because he's a bad influence on her.

Must have:
- AU B/S fic
- Buffy can be the slayer or not (writer's choice)
- Spike is human, but still has his "bad boy" image
- The Scoobies
- Dawn can exist in the fic or not (writer's decision)
- Buffy is a junior and Spike is a senior
- Buffy visits Spike in England

I know, not much of the daddy hating their relationship, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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