
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations from the tv-shows "NCIS", "House" and "How I Met your mother". No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

The changed verse

Author: Cosmic
Author's email:

Fandoms: HIMYM, NCIS, House (not crossover!)
Genre: Supernatural

Summary: The world goes through the Change, leaving chaos behind. People and animals alike change - suddenly, there are mermaids, centaurs, hell-dogs, mind-readers, pre-cogs...

Author's notes: This is my own little 'verse to play around in with whatever fandoms I want. Supernatural stuff, because I love supernatural stuff. It's not one long story, but little scenes here and there, mostly because my muse isn't working with me on longer, plotty stories at the moment ^^ It all started with me wanting to write about Barney (HIMYM) with wings, and then I did this and I wanted it even more. While suffering insomnia, I came up with this world, and the idea of the first HIMYM story. It just sorta grew from there.


How I met your mother

Wingman | Learning to Fly | Dogma | Snow | The Dragon | Fly girl | Soaked | Future | Sleep

[ gen ] [ friendship ] [ 2 000 words ] [ PG ]
The world goes crazy and Barney becomes Ted's wingman. Literally.

Fly Girl
[ gen ] [ friendship ][ 1 700 words ] [ PG ]
“But if you could. What would you pick, if you could choose?”

The Dragon
[ pre-Barney/Robin ] [ action, humor ] [ 2 700 words ] [ PG ]
The story of how Barney saved Robin from a fire-breathing dragon. No, really.

[ gen ] [ humor ] [ 100 words ] [ G ]
Barney uses goggles when he flies.

[ Lily/Marshall ] [ romance ] [ 200 words ] [ G ]
Lily's pregnant.

[ gen ] [ humor ] [ 100 words ] [ G ]
Barney hits on a girl and she asks him a question.

[ Barney/Robin ] [ romance, angst ] [ 900 words ] [ G ]
Robin thinks about Barney’s wings.

[ gen ] [ friendship ] [ 1 500 words ] [ G ]
It's Ted's turn to Change.

Learning to Fly
[ gen ] [ friendship ] [ 2 000 words ] [ PG ]
Barney is forced to fly.

Other's HIMYM fics in the Changed verse
If you want to write a fic for the verse, do it, do it, do it! I'll love you for it!
Snow Day by bishojo_kitsune
Prompt: Barney/Ted, playing in the snow

Barney and the dragon [ PG ] [ pen ]
Barney and Robin [ PG-13 ] [ pen & pencil ]
Snow day (for the piece Snow Day by bishojo_kitsune) [ G ] [ pen & Photoshop ]



[ gen ] [ hurt/comfort ] [ 850 words ] [ G ]
Abby comes into her powers.

Escaping Hell-dogs
[ gen ] [ friendship ] [ 850 words ] [ PG ]
Tony and Ziva flee when a suspect attacks them.

Light, Escaping Hell-dogs



Torn Apart
[ Chase/Cameron ] [ angst ] [ 300 words ] [ G ]
Cameron’s change will tear them apart.

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